Probably the biggest event of 2014 was when I quit my traditional desk job and started my online shop. HOLY COW. This was a scary, scary decision, and even though things have been tough lately I have to say I think it's the best choice I've ever made. Working for myself has been so freeing, and at the same time, soooo hard. You have to really be your own motivator when you're self-employed, and there's no safety net if something comes up. If you make a mistake, you're the only one to blame! But you also call the shots, have full creative freedom, and set your own schedule. To me, that's really worth it.

I also took a cross-country road trip last year! I had never visited the Western United States before and this trip was really, really amazing. It's hard to believe that this country could be SO different from one coast to the other. The landscape is totally different, even the air, the plants, the animals. Plus I spent a ton of time with my mom and 89-year-old grandma, as they were my tripmates! We definitely became closer, which is wonderful in of itself.

We adopted our second kitty, Aengus! This is kind of related to our road trip, since I actually got him from my second cousin in Missouri (whom I had never met before!). He's been an amazing addition to our family, albeit a rather feisty one. He's a lot of work! But we love him, and it's hard to imagine our lives without him now.

We moved from our previous rental home into a townhouse, which has actually been an amazing blessing in disguise. At the time we were very upset when we found out we would have to move. We loved our house, especially our nice spacious yard and screened-in porch! But our current home is definitely a better fit for us. It's smaller, which makes it easier to maintain, and we went through an intensive de-cluttering stage right when we moved, so we really only have things we need or love!

There were some sad events in 2014 as well, of course, but I think it's important to remember what things we have in our lives to be thankful for. My husband and I are very fortunate. We might not have a lot of money, but we really want for nothing essential to life. We celebrated our first wedding anniversary in 2014, and life just has a pleasant glow of hope to it. Here's to another great year!

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