I've started a few part-time work at home jobs to get a little more money coming in, but my first priority is still my SHOP! You may have noticed it's solely eBay based now. I found that's where I was doing the best, so I moved everything over there. Please check regularly, I'm constantly adding new things! As always I try to keep prices very reasonable and have a selection of larger plus sizes available whenever possible.

Pretty soon I'm also going to start selling some hand embroidered items via Etsy! Nothing has been stocked yet, but here is a link to my shop there if you want to keep checking back! If you follow me on tumblr or twitter, you'll have seen a few images of stuff that I'm working on. I definitely want to put some fat positive pieces in there, so if you're into it, keep your eyes peeled!

Also, I just have to slow down for a second and say this: I couldn't have made it this far without the help of my readers. YOU GUYS. You are amazing and I appreciate you all. Please know that every kind word reaches my heart and stays there. :)

These outfit pictures are actually from November-- eek! They have been sitting on my laptop that long. I know, for shame. But still. That fancy pineapple sweater is pretty amazing, right?

coral jeans, lys c/o kmart. fuzzy pineapple sweater, thrifted. floppy fedora and wedge booties, kmart.
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