Afterward I went to dinner and shopping with my beau, so I asked my roomskie to snap a few shots of me just before he arrived.
She has a great (random) love for snapping rapid, spastic shots of people when they are completely unprepared for it... so I'm actually ready to have my photo snapped in a grand total of two of these pictures, haha.

The shirt and skirt are thrifted Target finds, and the flats are seriously ancient. I've actually bought a new pair of similarly shaped black wedges that I've been wearing to work/everywhere else... but I wanted something beyond cozy so I went with the old and familiar.

The jacket's about four or five years old, and it's from Cato. It's pretty much a Fall/Winter staple for me, so you'll probably be seeing much of it. ;D
I love the skirt. Seems like it's exactly the type I'd need :)