My biggest fan ever, aka my Mom, took these photos for me. I can't get over how great they are! I really need to upgrade my camera because these are putting my usual fare to shame, haha. If only moolah grew on trees. ;)
For this look I went back to my favorite inspiration (which I talked about in this post) Ginnifer Goodwin! I can't get over the button-up look lately. I just think there's something so crisp and nice about short hair and a top buttoned up all the way.

white button-up, ross. striped skirt, thrifted (gap). tan sandals, old navy. earrings, thrifted. coral sunnies, olsenboye c/o ross.

Wow your pictures are gorgeous, the background is so beautiful. But your outfit is just as great, I love the button up with the eyelet details. You seriously find awesome things at Ross, I never find anything nice when I go to ross. I have to agree I love the look of button ups and skirts, they are a great combo! But yeah I hope you have an amazing time on the road trip with your mom and grandma!
Thank you, Nina!! I think Ross is similar to thrifting in that way. Sometimes it's just a bust!